Board Meeting – July 2016
The Board of Directors of the Wright Water & Sewer District held their Regular Meeting July 14, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held at the District Office, 15009 Hwy. 387. The following members of the Board were present:
- J. Steele N. Van Wyhe
- J. Dooley J. Surwald
- L. Duff
- S. Grose
- R. Rasmussen
N. Van Wyhe updated the Board on various HDR projects not covered under either Unfinished or New Business. RJ‑8 Well Completion and Pumphouse – Pump must be pulled to fix level sensor. 1 MG Elevated Tank/Chlorination Facility – Punch list compiled to meet substantial completion; Landmark has not yet rescheduled with the District. South Loop Waterline – Construction completed; working on record drawings. Existing Chlorination Improvements Project – Mineral Royalty Grant (MRG) approved for $704,000.
There were no Written Comments.
A motion was made by L. Duff and seconded by J. Dooley to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 9, 2016. Motion passed unanimously.
The Operating Summary, Bank Reconciliation, Income/Expense, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss/Budget vs. Actual Report were presented for the Board’s review. A motion was made by S. Grose and seconded by L. Duff to accept the reports as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by J. Dooley and seconded by R. Rasmussen to approve the checks and warrants, with the exception of the checks and warrants for Don’s SuperMarket, Inc. and Rasmussen Electric, Inc. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by S. Grose and seconded by J. Dooley to approve the checks and warrants for Don’s SuperMarket, Inc. and Rasmussen Electric, Inc. Motion passed unanimously with L. Duff and R. Rasmussen abstaining.
J. Steele gave the operators’ report for the past month citing the following specifics: Water/sewer and effluent samples passed; Took samples for TTHM/HAA5 testing; South Loop waterline completed and on-line; Worked on insurance renewal and inventory; Repaired two (2) leaks on South Loop waterline; Bladed roads at RJ‑7 and 1 MG Tank; Took delivery of scoria for South Loop road; Marked curb stops and cleaned water valves; and repaired one (1) meter.
At 7:55 p.m. the Board of Directors adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel issues. The regular meeting reconvened at 7:59 p.m.
Employee Cost of Living Adjustment
The employees were thanked for their work and informed that due to the current local economy, the District would not be giving a Cost of Living Adjustment this year. No additional action was taken.
Upgrade Utility Billing Software/Payment Methods
J. Surwald updated the Board on the contacts made to upgrade the Caselle software, as well as information and recommendations for accepting debit and credit cards as a payment method. No final numbers have been compiled. No additional action was taken.
Redesign WWSD Website
Due to time constraints, no progress has been made on this project. No action was taken.
Approve RJ‑8 Well Completion and Pumphouse Change Order #2 – DRM, Inc.
A motion was made by S. Grose and seconded by L. Duff to approve the RJ‑8 Well Completion and Pumphouse Change Order #2 (attached), decreasing the contract by $1,540.00 to adjust for final quantities. Motion passed unanimously with R. Rasmussen abstaining.
Approve WWDC Water Royalty Agreement – Amendment Two
A motion was made by R. Rasmussen and seconded by J. Dooley to approve Amendment Two to the WWDC Water Royalty Agreement. Motion passed unanimously.
Approve Task Order 009 – RJ‑8 Well Completion/Pumphouse Amendment #1 – HDR Engineering
A motion was made by L. Duff and seconded by S. Grose to approve the RJ‑8 Well Completion and Pumphouse Amendment #1 (attached), increasing the contract by $9,600.00 for additional time needed for the VFD and the removal and replacement of the pump at manufacturer’s request. Motion passed unanimously with R. Rasmussen abstaining.
There will be a Public Hearing and Special Meeting July 21, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. at the District Office to approve the final budget for 2016/2017.
The next Regular Meeting of the Wright Water & Sewer District Board of Directors will be held August 11, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the District Office.
With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by J. Dooley and seconded by L. Duff to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Juli Surwald, Clerk
Joseph W. Johnson, Chairman